Vision Development

The goal we strive for in our daily work is to make our clients’ dreams of new apartments in Łódź come true. Both those purchased as investments, as new apartments for rent, and the ones bought as four corners where our clients want to settle down. We are from the city of Łódź and we decided to devote ourselves completely to this small homeland, revitalizing historic buildings falling into ruin and creating new buildings that change the image of the immediate area.

Each of our projects is unique to us and we approach it individually. Without duplicating ready-made solutions, we care for the diversity and timelessness of our investments so that they are unique and, as much as possible, stand out from the surrounding area, beautifying it and enriching it aesthetically. In our mission, we place great emphasis on the quality of our projects, because we know how easy it is in this industry for unflattering anti-marketing to cast a shadow on projects. By taking care of the finishing standard, we know that the result of our work will speak for itself, and new residents will be happy to start the next stage of their lives in premises built by Vision Development.

qualified engineers
employed persons
PUMU completed
PUMU in preparation

Najważniejsze daty

The first tenement house revitalization project
Restructuring of companies and the creation of Vision Development
Completion of the first stage of the Piotrkowska 44 investment
First award for our investment (European Property Awards)
Purchase of the largest plot of land put up for sale by the Municipal Office of Lodz in a tender


Prizes are an extremely important element that culminates the hard work of building our projects.

The recognition of the Piotrkowska 44 and Kopernika 15 investments by foreign juries is an additional motivation for us to continue striving for perfection when implementing subsequent facilities.


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Wybierz inwestycję
Maratońska 49
Kopernika 15
Sasanek 47
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Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest Vision Development Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. Łódź 90-265 Piotrkowska 44., Pani/Pana dane osobowe w celu realizacji procesu ofertowania oraz w celu marketingowym, w tym profilowanie, przez Vision Development sp. z o.o. Zobacz treść Polityki prywatności