
From construction

Rejtana Park

A look at the Rejtana Park investment, which is nearing completion.

Rejtana Park

from Vision Development

The investment is practically completed, spring is coming to life and the last available apartments in the investment. Take advantage of this incredible conjunction, make an appointment at the investment and choose your new apartment in person.

Get to know the Rejtana Park estate.


The Rejtana Park project is an ideal place to live but also a great opportunity to invest in real estate. The proximity of schools, a city park, medical facilities and public transport, but also the vicinity of the Lodz University of Technology is an ideal combination creating this location so diverse in terms of possible uses.

We encourage you to contact the sales office and visit the property every Thursday by appointment. Where you can get acquainted with the remaining offer of apartments, their functional layout, standard of finishing of common areas and a richly landscaped green patio.

For people looking for premises for themselves and those who prefer larger spaces, two-, three- and four-room apartments with areas ranging from 42 m² to 111 m² are planned.

Thanks to large glazing and a southern exposure overlooking Rejtan Park, the apartments will be perfectly sunny regardless of the season. A huge advantage of the property is also the balcony, loggia or terrace attached to each unit, up to 60 m² in size.

From the north, from ul. Felsztyńskiego premises planned in small areas are an excellent material for purchase for rent for individual investors. The location of the apartments close to the campus of the Lodz University of Technology and the MTŁ buildings is a great place for short and long-term rental.


The full investment offer is available on its dedicated website www.rejtanapark.pl


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